Pinch me.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

This is actually happening.

My dear friend Kim and I have been scheming up a plan. And it's an awesome one.

We are very pleased to introduce Make It Happenings. We will be offering weekend craft retreats in Lancaster, PA as well as daily & nightly workshops in both Maryland and Massachusetts.

The idea for Make It has been long in the making. We have both hosted craft workshops in our homes and truly enjoyed every minute of the planning, teaching, and connecting that came from hosting a group of women who very much needed a creative outlet. We both have also previously worked as Creative Activities Directors for MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, which is a Christian based ministry that offers support and encouragement to moms.

At the beginning of the year, as I sat at my new MOPS table, we were asked to each share where we hope to be in five years. I answered, "I hope to be teaching craft workshops and hosting women's retreats." No joke. I am feeling so beyond blessed that I am able to pursue this dream. And I thank Kim for joining me on this adventure. 

- Awbree

1 comment:

  1. It's happening, and it's going to be AWESOME. I feel so blessed to be a part of this with you! Very excited for this adventure!


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